My sister sent me this candle (photographed: IG @blessedandthankful365) a few weeks ago, beautiful in aesthetics and scent, and demanding of a space where it can attain its full desired attention. I set it on my eat in bar that borders my kitchen and living room so that it can be seen in both areas. I have talked before about messages and reminders coming from interesting places, children, experiences, and for those of you who have kept up with my blog, you know aaallll about the avocado. This candle came at a time where the message, or more so the reminder, was on-time for everything….the health of loved ones, the celebration of accomplishments, the holiday that was approaching, and the second wind that the world looks forward to inhaling in the new year.
“Blessed and Thankful” – is what the candle reads. I don’t want to preach to anyone about what they should have gotten from 2020, all I can speak to is what I have lived personally and what I have witnessed around me, and without a doubt I can say that 2020 challenged who we all are as individuals and as neighbors; how we have been able to care for ourselves and for others. This year has stretched us in ways that were unimaginable, forcing us to dig deep and conjure up a level of strength that many didn’t know existed within themselves. It revealed the shoulder of the world that gave us a safe space to be angry, vulnerable, whale and cry. It validated the silent call of our fists that stand firmly in the air without waiver. I, by this candle, was once again reminded that I have so much to be thankful for because despite the many challenges, I have received many of blessings.
Friends, as we welcome 2021, anxious to catch our breath, my hope is that we hold close the positive things that we have all gained amidst so much loss. If we rush into the new year itching to leave all of 2020 in 2020, then all that was sacrificed, in life and treasure, will have been in vain. I call on 2021 to be a year of healing and diligence. Let's take the lessons that we have learned, the growth that we have measured, and the opportunities that we have stumbled upon, and use them to be a blessing to others on a macro level. Let's leave 2020 behind us but carry forward its favor.
Cheers friends! Let’s make this year our best year yet; personally, spiritually, financially, and professionally.
Be well, be safe, and Happy New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day!!
#NYE #HNY #Journey #Perspective #Blessed #Thankful #BeWell #Hello2021 #Bye2020 #Blogger #Blog #BlackGirlsWhoBlog #Values