All of the dreamers in the building raise your hands high. Come on, don’t be shy, be thankful that you have felt free enough to live in that vulnerable space. I raise my hand with you as I, myself, am a bonafide, card carrying dreamer since the age of three, or at least as far back as I can remember. I grew up certain that if I just believed in myself enough and worked hard enough, that I would attain the career, relationship, lifestyle and financial status that I desired. I subscribed to that way of thought until my mid 30’s when I experienced an unexpected career change, it was at this point that I began to grow and stretch my way of thinking. I advanced into a leadership role and it was through that role that I began to better define my personal mission and philosophy around who I am as a woman and as a servant leader. I grew to understand that much like prayer requires action, so does dreaming. Even our natural dreams and passions require a disciplined plan, and like many of us, I was taught to dream, but I was not taught how to nurture a vision; the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom.
I identified the values that would help to change the way that I saw things for myself, this is how I began to make life happen instead of allowing life to happen to me:
Openness - Being open to ideas, relationships and experiences that can lead me to the opportunities or solutions.
Clarity - Having a clear understanding of the "why's".
Vision - Actually seeing it for myself, not just having the "want", but facilitating the "how".
Intention - Actively and deliberately pursuing the vision.
I visit these values daily, whether in thought, stillness or prayer, to ensure that I remain connected to what has become my guiding light in my participation in change and in creating the changes that I desire(d) for myself. Continue to dream my fellow dreamers, but do so with a nurtured vision.
Be well!